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Jessica VanDerheyden

Affirming A Fetish?: Autoerotic Crossdressing and the Kris Tyson Controversy

You may have seen the word “autogynephilia” circulating online, but how many of us truly understand what it means? According to psychiatry research, individuals like Kris Tyson may be exhibiting a fetish known as autogynephilia. But what exactly is this sexual fetish, and how is it impacting our children?

Kris Tyson left his wife and child to pursue gender transition. Instead of being a father, he chose to follow his fetish. Here he is posing in sexy photos dressed as a schoolgirl with stiletto heels. Tyson was also caught having sexual discussions about liking 4-year-old girls.

Kris Tyson Just Went Too Far (2024).

The Oxford Dictionary defines gender dysphoria as a chronic aversion to physical or social attributes of one's own biological sex; a state of severe distress or unhappiness caused by the feeling that one’s “gender identity” does not match one’s biological sex. This symptom is more common in young boys and typically presents itself early in life. Gender distress usually resolves after the onset of puberty. A very small minority of children with a gender dysphoria diagnosis claim a cross-sex identity in adulthood. However, with the social shift away from requiring a diagnosis of gender dysphoria and the adoption of the “self-identification” model, the lines between fetishes and reality have become blurred.

DramaAlert reports that Kris Tyson has a crossdressing fetish, steals female clothing, and is severely mentally ill, according to his own sister.

Children's entertainer, Kris Tyson, was outed for promoting pornographic “Loli” cartoons and anime smut featuring little girls doing sexual acts. This content is classified as Child Sexual Abuse Imagery on Google.

Autogynephilia (Transvestic Disorder) is a paraphilic disorder. After analyzing years of research, sexologists began to realize that there were trans-identifying individuals for whom the thought of being a woman is a sexual fantasy. For example, one individual recounted imagining telling his parents and doctor that he was really a girl, and imagining himself undergoing sex reassignment surgery, all while feeling horror at the prospect of becoming sexually aroused. Another man described wearing women’s clothing and feminizing his body as sexually exciting, even after receiving “gender-affirming” surgeries. He would pretend to menstruate by urinating in sanitary pads, particularly enjoying the old-fashioned belted pad with long tabs. Trans tampons have become a heated topic, with politicians like Tim Walz legislating them to be put in bathrooms built for little boys. Boys’ bathrooms do not need tampons.

Dylan Mulvaney, transgender tampon spokesman, advertising menstrual products that he has no use for.

It became apparent that there was a subcategory of people who identify as trans but do not experience gender dysphoria at a young age. Instead, they experience ecstasy and arousal at the thought of becoming female, usually beginning in adulthood. People with this paraphilia will feminize themselves to alter their appearance, and it is strictly for sexual gratification. Their fantasies about being a woman are formed solely around becoming the object of their own fetish. Men who leave their families to identify as little girls are publishing this type of written smut as we speak.

Stefoknee identifies as a 6-year-old girl, and he published a disturbing memoir for other men with this fetish. It is marketed towards men who have a sexual desire to abandon their children and live as a little girl.

This is just another way of normalizing transgender child abuse material. KEEP THIS OUT OF OUR SCHOOL LIBRARIES.

One individual in an autogynephilia research cohort remembered becoming aroused at the thought of becoming female when he was around 9 or 10 years old. It wasn’t until he started therapy that he began appearing In public dressed as a female. In the early days, he would become aroused whenever anyone addressed him as “Ma’am” or performed some courtesy such as holding a door for him. This arousal led to a heightened fear of discovery…that his erection would give him away. Some of these men even “dress up” as nuns.

Trans hypnosis BDSM pornography for men who identify as nuns.

“Even though my wife is a natural female, I can block her out and make believe she is penetrating me; or when I am lucky, she will play along and kiss me with her tongue and tell me what a pretty girl I am.” These men often marry women, most of whom have no idea of their husbands’ sexual fantasies. Women who lost their husbands from this are called trans widows. They have started to come out and explain the first noticeable signs that something was…different…about their husbands. Many trans widows have caught their husbands masturbating while wearing women’s clothing in secret. They have watched their husbands become sexually excited while engaging in stereotypical feminine tasks, such as shaving their legs. Women and girls do not become aroused while shaving their legs. This is a fetish of its own. And it is sweeping the nation, destroying marriages at a staggering rate.

Adult Diaper Enthusiasts Pride

Kris Tyson is a prominent online trans celebrity whose content is geared towards minors. He spontaneously began identifying as a woman and left his wife to pursue transition, despite being a father and husband with a crippling addiction to loli-content. This led fans down a deep rabbit hole of Kris’ past sexual remarks. In a now-deleted tweet, Kris Tyson admitted to liking anime child pornography. This has led many to speculate that his transition is closer related to autogynephilia, as it can be related to other sexual disorders, such as pedophilia or even furries.

Kris Tyson wearing furry kink gear and cat ears

Autogynephilia and autopedophilia are both categories of erotic target identity inversions, or ETIIs. In other words, it is a sexual paraphilia in which a person is aroused by the thought of being the object of one’s own sexual desires, and these disorders tend to cluster. Some examples of ETIIs include autoanthropomorphozoophilia (animals or “Furries”), autonepiophilia (infants), autoandrophilia (men), autopedophilia (children), apotemnophilia (limb amputation fetish), autonecrophilia (CORPSES), and of course, autogynephilia (men who identify as women). These ETIIs have led to the abuse of animals, children, and DEAD BODIES. None of these would be considered socially acceptable, with one exception: Transvestic Fetishism.

Gays Against Groomers on X (Formerly Twitter)

Rates of autogynephilia (Transvestic Disorder) have risen in recent years, with speculation focusing on porn consumption. Andrea Long Chu won the Pulitzer Prize [REDUXX] for a paper titled “Did Sissy Porn Make Me Trans?” It went viral. Sissy porn, also known as “Sissy Hypno” (short for sissification hypnosis), is the forced feminization of men. Sissy hypno is a subcategory of transgender-labeled pornography. The term transgender has become one of porn hub’s most popular searches, in fact it more than quadrupled from 2014 -2017. In these videos, the anus and penis are renamed to “clitty and pussy.” These hypnosis videos show pictures of sexualized clothing for kids, with little girls giggling in the background.

Hypnotic themes of stiletto heels splattered in BLOOD are common. Neon sissy hypnosis videos with bloody shoes have been viewed across platforms millions of times. Childlike voices whisper in the background.

Andrea Long Chu speaks on the hyper-sexualization that was sparked in part due to so-called “trans feminism.” In the paper, Andrea describes how porn feminizes men by allowing them to be consistently submissive for sexual gratification. Porn requires no effort, no other physical activity, none of the work while still releasing the same connection and pleasure chemicals in your brain, such as dopamine along with bonding chemicals such as oxytocin, that sexual activity does. Porn trains your brain to do very little physical or mental work and be sexually gratified, and it is highly addictive. Porn consumers usually find different taboos and fetishes from recommendations by the porn website. It can send the user spiraling down a rabbit hole of perversion.

“Anime Female Hypnosis,” a Lolification porn video featuring pedophilic fantasies about cartoon girls

Studies show that pornography is addictive and lowers testosterone levels in men. Andrea Long Chu was castrated and a “fake vagina” was created. Andrea Chu describes how replacing a natural sub/dom dynamic with a sub (male) and dom (pornography) can alter a man’s masculinity – “this power dynamic, not in the sex acted out between the powerful men and fawning women onscreen, but in the sex unfolding in real time between the pornographic image in its entirety and the viewer its flickering fantasies render powerless and obsessed…I suspect like a great number of heterosexual men, watches porn not to have power but to give it up.”

Trans furries with anime profile pictures. Every. Damn. Time.

A Reddit user explained:

About 3 years ago, I discovered sissy hypno videos [that’s ‘hypno’ like short for ‘hypnotism’], which in a nutshell are flashing subjective images telling you to wear panties, be girly, and even take hormones. I became completely obsessed with these videos. Nothing got me off like these. It got to the point where I started wearing panties and imagining myself as a girl when I would masturbate.” There are a ton of Reddit posts in trans online spaces questioning if their gender dysphoria is/was caused by this type of forced feminization porn. And THESE are the people who are talking to teenage girls about “gender-affirming care” online.

Adult men are being radicalized by lolicontent – pedophilic anime transgender hypnosis porn.

This is the core issue: There ARE men who are being indoctrinated by pornographic content. It would NOT be surprising if Kris Tyson was one of them. Some of these men consume so much loliconification content that they even start to dress up as cartoon babies and children, themselves.

After a while, adult males like Kris Tyson who sexually promote lolicon pornography leave their wives. They invade women’s apps. And they live a life of crossdressing and grooming the youth online with lolification content. It is so sick.

It was also explicitly stated in our first run-in with Kris Tyson's demonic behavior that these men have a fetish for “dressing up as lesbians.” And just a few months later…we received photos…of Kris Tyson…wearing the lipstick lesbian flag…as a dress.

Men who watch pedophile cartoons and abandon their children to pursue their fetish are NOT lipstick lesbians. How is this “lesbian visibility?” What visibility? You are very visible, sir. Don't worry. We see you. 

Kris Tyson wearing the lesbian flag as a dress and trampling all over gay rights.

Gays Against Groomers’ Public Statement about Kris Tyson's DISGUSTING behavior (2023)

One Reddit user posted, “I started watching trans porn initially five or so years ago and I remember I had post orgasm regret. Back then, I imagined myself as the guy… About a year and a half ago, I started to imagine the possibility of being the girl in these scenarios. I… wanted to be ‘forced’ to be f---ed by a man because I was turned on by the submissiveness of it. I dreamed about going to gloryholes or being blindfolded as men used me as an object for sex. Recently, I’ve started to really question everything. I love the attention and consequently feeling like the woman. This has led me to have some gender dysphoria, as I would love to be the woman and see where that would take me in my life (fully transitioned transwoman). TL;DR my sexual and gender identity has been completely flipped on its head because of sissy porn/hypno.”

Lolification is a form of anime transgender hypnosis that convinces men to identify as little girls.

A multitude of users shared their similar experiences and concerns only to be publicly shut down by trans activists suggesting that their fetishes are simply a byproduct of their Gender Dysphoria, not the cause of it. To be clear, there are some men who suffer from autogynephiliic transvestism and are addicted to pedophilic anime pornography, like Kris Tyson. The anecdotal evidence definitely suggests a correlation between trans hypnosis, sissy pornography, Lolification, and some men’s desire to feminize themselves, especially with the significant rise in numbers as of late. 

Kris Tyson's fetish has even been picked up by the mainstream

‘Gays Against Groomers’ DEMANDS Kris Tyson be REMOVED from MrBeast’s videos. (DramaAlert, 2024)

There may be some people who ask, “why does anyone care what other people do with their sexuality?” And to that we would like to put it as bluntly as possible- men who have autoerotic paraphilias are acting out their sexual fetishes in public and society is being forced to join in their sexual fantasies. They want everyone to participate in their fetish, INCLUDING CHILDREN. This is what makes the Kris Tyson situation so problematic. This is why Kris Tyson deserves to be on the media chopping block. There has been a sharp rise in men who watch trans hypnosis pornography over the past two years. There have also been more and more adult men developing fetishes for dressing up as babies and wearing diapers. It is a horror movie come to life. THIS is what we are speaking out against:

Adult Baby content available on Reddit, along with Lolification chat rooms. Gays Against Groomers was banned from Reddit, though. Go figure.

Men are engaging in their fetishes while working in schools with children, while in their locker rooms, and in restrooms with our daughters. A quick search online will display men crossdressing in women’s public bathrooms while masturbating on camera. Men, so sexually aroused by being able to engage in such an intimate, private part of a woman’s life that they need to relieve themselves in the stall next to girls who are changing their tampons. Men all around the world are taking advantage of the LGBTQIAOHMYGOD+ acronym and using it to further pursue their own sexual desires publicly. Let’s not forget that people with autogynephilia are sexually aroused by being “affirmed” by others…even a classroom full of schoolchildren. Need us not forget the Canadian teacher who started coming to schools to teach with massive, Z-cup fake prosthetic rubber breasts with protruding nipples and wearing women’s underwear.  This was clearly sexual in nature.

Child predators can come to school dressed like this under the Harris-Walz Title IX “gender identity” policies.

We also want to make it abundantly clear - not all men who engage in AGP look like something out of a comedy movie. A very concerning aspect is most of these men are able to “pass” and assimilate as transgender. These are men who dress as women, wear women’s underwear and have society use she/her pronouns. It could be the next door neighbor who wears his wife’s panties in secret, or the masculine athlete who has a secret stash of women’s clothing hidden in his closet. This is becoming a mainstream issue, taking many forms. Fetishistic Crossdressing is a growing issue that is blurring the lines around a very dangerous paraphilia. Kris Tyson isn't the only one…men all around the world are becoming consumed with it. It’s destroying marriages and lives. And it is coming for the schools. It's time we start talking about this problem without fear of being canceled. It isn't transphobic to speak the truth, and having concerns doesn't make you a bigot.


Bartosch, J. (2024). Australia has abolished womanhood. Spiked.

Costa, M. (2023). Gays Against Groomers DEMANDS MrBeast Remove Kris Tyson From His Videos. Radar News.

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Kurilova, E. (2022). How “Gender Identity” Protections Are Being Used to Shield Predators. Radar News.

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Gluck, G. (2023). Trans-Identifying Male Academic Who Claimed Porn Motivated His Transition Awarded Pulitzer Prize - Reduxx. Reduxx.

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Adobe Acrobat:

VanDerheyden, J. (2023). The Myth of Male Motherhood: Is Trans Breast Milk Harming Newborn Babies? Radar News.

Oxford University Press. Gender Dysphoria. In Oxford Reference. Retrieved September 7, 2024, from

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DramaAlert. X (Formerly Twitter).

DramaAlert. X (Formerly Twitter).

Gays Against Groomers. X (Formerly Twitter).

Stefonknee. X (Formerly Twitter).

Curse. (2024). Kris Tyson Just Went Too Far [Video]. YouTube.

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Reddit. The Sissy Academy. (2024).

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Reddit. Lolification. (2024).


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