It was an honor to give a speech at the Gays Against Groomers and Turning Point USA (TPUSA) event, where we stood together to defend children and speak the truth.
The first time I was ever asked to give a public speech was when I was far younger. I was asked to give a speech in Washington, DC, for a politician I didn’t know and still don’t know. The speech was pre-written, and I was only selected to read it because I am a Tennessean. I don’t remember much about that speech. Migraine. Stomach turning. Lights hurt. Voices hurt. And there were cameras everywhere. This was at a moment in time when cameras pointing at you was a rare, unsettling occurrence. The speech bombed. I was fuchsia from head to toe, gripping the speech as though it was a life raft, and I never once looked up. Needless to say, I was literally kicked off of the stage. I have since grown and have presented PowerPoint presentations and classes at jobs. I’ve even read poetry in front of strangers. I was honored to give my second speech in a public setting on a topic that I hold dear. I was even allowed to write my own speech. I practiced and paced, thinking of more and more points that needed to be made. I don’t know how long that speech would have been, but it was far longer than the edited version. The speech I did at the TPUSA event went much better.
This conference with Gays Against Groomers and Turning Point USA (TPUSA) was important. Miki (a.k.a. The Political Mixster), one of our Southeast Region Leaders, had worked hard on getting the details worked out and her presentation perfect. Although there were only nine of us, we continued our conference. Miki, Chelsea, and I represented our organization and the Tennessee chapter. Miki Lorren explained our mission, her photo shoot “Butch,” and how AI impacts our children’s well-being, especially when it comes to Gender Queer Ideology. Chelsea gave a heartwarming speech about how she sought GAG for the sake of her children. My speech was based on a growing issue of Gender Queer Ideology distorting the Christian community. Gays Against Groomers is made up of a myriad of religions and beliefs, and Gender Queer Ideology is bulldozing its way through every single one. It needs to stop.
I am grateful that people are waking up, but we are still fighting against these loud voices who would see all children destroyed. We fight for the children and their right to live innocently and without harm. My speech calls out one particular person: Jamie Bruesehoff. She wrote a book called Raising Kids Beyond the Binary: Celebrating God’s Transgender and Gender Diverse Children, which attacks Christians and their faith. Regardless of how much you do to pay worship to the trans community, Bruesehoff assures you that it is not enough. It will never be enough. Viewing this book from a Christian lens, since she claims it’s for Christians, we see how she twists and rewrites the scriptures to fit their narrative:
“Transgender children are holy and should be worshipped as such.”
Keep fighting for the truth, because the truth will win in the end.
My Speech
Good evening and thank you for being here, especially with this wonderful beach weather we’re having. I appreciate that you’re here and that you’re sharing your passion for saving children. Thank you, Hampton Inn & Suites for hosting us and a special thanks to TPUSA and Miki for putting this together. My name is Mandy Oaks and I’m the Director of Research and a writer for GAG.
Our books:
The Gender Trap by Carla Curtis – an informative book filled with solid research to combat the lies of Gender Queer Ideology. And our first children’s book: Born Perfect: Jack’s Story. I won’t say who wrote it – it was me. The illustrator, Ani Bilgutay did a phenomenal job bringing Jack and his family to life. (FYI: You’ll get an opportunity to win a signed copy in our raffle). Look for our next children’s book about a tomboy – this book is going to make you want to climb trees and skin your knees! Visit GAYSAGAINSTGROOMERS.COM for these books, articles, and more! We also have an upcoming documentary called “Leaving Amy” about our member, Matt, and his journey through transgenderism. Visit LEAVINGAMY.COM to be part of this project. One of the things I love about GAG is we’re made up of different beliefs and religions, yet we understand the evil that is being done to children and we fight to stop it. This is why we’re here: to combat the nefarious lens of Gender Queer Ideology.
Everyone sees the world through a different lens, sometimes multiple lenses. Tonight, I invite you to see this battle through the lens of Christianity, because Gender Queer Ideology unapologetically rampages through religion. From “Church Drag Story hours and shows for children” to “Christian” and “Jewish” books to “Queers for Palestine,” this cult demands that we believe truth is as fluid as water and just as difficult to grasp. Their “my truth” movement has insidiously wrapped itself around society, attacking all who disagree. One such attack comes from Jamie Bruesehoff in her book, Raising Kids Beyond the Binary: Celebrating God’s Transgender and Gender Diverse Children. Using the lens of Gender Queer Ideology, Bruesehoff pretends to use a Christian lens to rewrite the Bible. She states a truth: we were created in the image of God; therefore, everyone is born perfect.
Through mental gymnastics, Bruesehoff explains: being born white is toxic, children should be put on hormone blockers, their bodies need to be butchered to fit their ideal selves, and transchildren are holy and should be worshipped as such. All of this is a concerted effort to correct God’s perfectly imperfect image. She claims “people of faith do the most egregious harm to transgender and nonbinary people.” – Adults like us who state boys are boys and girls are girls are traumatizing children and causing them PTSD. Does God respect a person’s “truth?” Let’s look at Elijah. In 1 Kings 19, Queen Jezebel had all the prophets of God murdered. Elijah escaped, and believing he was the only prophet of God left, he begged God to take his life.
This was Elijah’s “truth.”
Did God affirm Elijah’s “truth?”
Of course not. God corrected Elijah; explaining that his work wasn’t finished and he wasn’t the only man of God left: 7,000 people had not worshipped Baal. But…under Gender Queer Ideology, God is cruel by not affirming Elijah’s truth. This is the slippery “truth” Bruesehoff and other ideologists want you to believe. You must affirm your child’s “truth” no matter what: If your son believes he’s a girl, affirm it. If your daughter believes she’s a cat, affirm it. If your child believes…You see the point. Bruesehoff and other Gender Queer Ideologists do not care about children. They sacrifice children to their god – Gender Queer Ideology – And if you don’t affirm their truth…You will suffer their wrath. They forget the wrath of God:
“But whoever causes one of these little ones who believe in Me to sin, it would be better for him if a millstone were hung around his neck, and he were drowned in the depth of the sea.”
– Matthew 18:6
They forget, because they don’t believe in God. We don’t fear their wrath. We see through the lens of THE TRUTH: Children’s innocence should be valued and protected. May God bless you for standing strong and fighting for the future of all children!
Gays Against Groomers Publishing. The Gender Trap: The Trans Agenda’s War Against Children. 2024. Amazon:
Gays Against Groomers Publishing. Born Perfect: Jack’s Story. 2024.
Bruesehoff, J. (2023). Raising Kids Beyond the Binary: Celebrating God’s Transgender and Gender Diverse Children. Broadleaf Books.
Cutler, B. (2025).
Leaving Amy. (2025).
Lorren, M. (2025). Political Mixster. TikTok.
Lorren, M. (2025). Political Mixster. X (formerly Twitter).
Nelson, T. (1982). Holy Bible: New King James Version. Thomas Nelson.