Gays Against Groomers supports Rep. Nancy Mace's initiative to file a bill protecting single-sex facilities on federal property across the country. Her move has dropped a legislative bomb, leaving trans activists furious—and frankly, it's long overdue. Rep. Mace's proposed bill seeks to prohibit biological men from using female restrooms, locker rooms, and other single-sex facilities on all federal property. The "Protecting Women's Private Spaces Act" is a critical public policy measure aimed at preserving sex-based protections for girls everywhere. Women and girls deserve spaces where they are safeguarded from potential harm.
Incidents of discomfort and fear stemming from Self-ID policies are all too common. Allowing males in female-only spaces not only compromises privacy but discourages female participation in public life. Women and girls need sex-based protections because of their biology and the unique vulnerabilities tied to their femaleness. We have seen countless instances where these policies lead to violence. On his first day in office, President Biden issued an executive order redefining "gender identity" as a subcategory of sex under laws like Title IX. This move marked a significant setback, but America is committed to challenging and rolling back the gains made by proponents of "gender identity" under the Biden administration. We are fed up with the radical left pushing an agenda that sacrifices women’s safety and privacy to appease a vocal minority. Despite receiving death threats over this bill, Rep. Mace has stood firm. Threatening a congresswoman over legislation that protects women’s spaces only shows the need for such measures. It proves why laws like this are vital.

Protecting Women's Private Spaces Act, 2024 [page one]
Raising awareness about how gender stereotypes perpetuate sex-based violence in female-only spaces is crucial. Allowing males access to female facilities reflects a deeper issue: the desire to control women and children, disenfranchise voters, and deceive the public through a harmful social experiment. "Passing culture" promotes the medicalization of younger and younger individuals, suggesting that children should have their puberty blocked and stunt their natural development. This culture prioritizes aesthetics over the health and well-being of children. Kids given puberty blockers like Leuprolide often face severe complications and chronic pain, with their development stunted to affirm the beliefs of others. The president-elect has repeatedly stated that he holds no animosity toward gay people. Attempts to fearmonger or intimidate us into silence are doomed to fail. It’s appalling that such actions are justified under the guise of representing the “LGBTQ+ community.” Average gay men and women—the normal gays—are uninterested in participating in such erratic lies. Gay people are not under threat from Trump. Instead, the real threat comes from extremists who seek to silence and censor those of us objecting to the transqueer takeover.
Allowing males into female spaces has absolutely nothing to do with gay rights. Even Rep. Nancy Mace, who has championed this legislation, stated that she voted for the Respect for Marriage Act twice. This demonstrates that protecting sex-based boundaries in law is not at odds with supporting same-sex relationships. In fact, maintaining consistent sex categories within the legal system strengthens the foundation for safeguarding the rights of people in same-sex relationships. By reinforcing clear and immutable definitions of sex, we protect everyone from policies that erode these necessary distinctions. Progressives have become the real homophobes. Trans activists continue to claim they’re victims of genocide, but it’s clear they use these scare tactics to manipulate the very people they claim to protect. Suggesting that Donald Trump will somehow evaporate the “nonbinary folx” on his first day in office is a paranoid and delusional outlook on life. Queer Marxists are extorting the public into buying into these lies.

(New York Times, 1996)
“Queer” principles never represented the goals of gay and lesbian couples campaigning for basic rights like marriage equality. “Queer” is Marxism in drag. Have you ever met a queer capitalist? Think about it.
Law-abiding citizens will no longer stand idly by as men gain unfettered access to female restrooms, locker rooms, or other spaces where women and girls deserve safety and privacy. Yet, when anyone objects to these “bathroom free-for-alls,” they are unfairly labeled as bigots and hatemongers. Protecting women and children is not a hate crime. Gay people deserve the right to think for ourselves and support policies that align with our personal values, not the propaganda of the queer machine. We refuse to be misled by socialist agitators pushing irrational demands to ignore material reality in favor of ideology. Across the United States and abroad, gay people are standing up. We will not participate in a delusional identity movement that colonizes girls’ spaces, invades boxing rings, and violently assaults women on the world stage. This points to a deeper mental health crisis in our schools, fueled by a system designed to dismantle boundaries in both language and law. Self-ID laws have devastating consequences, allowing sex offenders to claim identities that place them in facilities with vulnerable girls. In some cases, child rapists are housed alongside children. This is not a drill.
It is flat-out wrong to take spaces, activities, or protections once dedicated to females and hand them over to males. The devaluation of femaleness sends a dangerous message: girls who do not conform to stereotypically feminine behaviors should just become boys. Don’t like dolls? You must be a boy. Enjoy sports? Then you must be a boy, too! This logic has extended to girls’ sports leagues, which now include boys. Is actual girlhood valued at all? Increasingly, it seems girlhood is only celebrated when it is performed by men. Take Dylan Mulvaney, for example, who was celebrated by the Biden administration for “100 days of being a girl”—a performance that involved dressing in miniskirts and playing with tampons for an audience that included children. The soon-to-be former Vice President Kamala Harris even sent him a letter of recognition. This is the individual the administration consulted about pediatric sterilization. Take that as you will.

If it were up to far-left trans activist politicians like Tim [Sarah] McBride, even "misgendering a child” could land you in legal trouble for sex harassment. McBride, a far-left Democrat socialist backed by the Human Rights Campaign (HRC), has spent years campaigning to implement “gender identity” policies that override natal sex in civil law. Weaponizing the law to redefine sex categories subverts the integrity of protections meant to safeguard vulnerable populations. Sex is real, binary, immutable, and it matters. The trans-supremacists who align with McBride claim that ideas like ours are extreme. But language establishes boundaries, and boundaries are essential to law and society. Words create distinctions between male and female, child and adult—distinctions that gender-neutral language seeks to erase entirely. Judith Butler, a key figure in Queer Theory, has openly endorsed the idea that changing culture begins with changing language—a Marxist tactic intended to reshape society itself. This corruption of language is the foundation of this dangerous ideology. Using reality-based terms is, in itself, an act of resistance.
We wish trans activists would abandon the push for "gender identity." It no longer resonates with most people and lacks common sense. Trans-identified males do not belong in female-only spaces. Sex-separated spaces, such as bathrooms and locker rooms, exist to ensure privacy and safety. The truth is that the trans movement played a significant role in Democrats losing the 2024 election. Running on a "gender identity" platform that eroded the sex-based rights of women and girls alienated many voters. Gays Against Groomers fully endorses a crackdown on this harmful ideology. A storm is brewing—a storm that will defend America and restore sanity. As for the TI2SIQUEER+ parade (did we get that acronym right?), they do not speak for us. Our mission is to bring back decency to our community and our country. An ideology that endangers society’s most vulnerable is neither fair nor American. It is time to stop accommodating the demands of the gender identity lobby and instead protect the majority who simply want to use restrooms, locker rooms, and other spaces without fear or confusion. No more transgender strippers on The White House lawn. The only flag that belongs at our nation's capital is red, white, and blue. The United States of America is bringing back decency and giving power back to those who earned it.
Let’s get this bill passed and send a clear message: If sex-based rights do not matter, then women do not matter. If women do not matter, society crumbles. Gays Against Groomers stands firmly with Rep. Nancy Mace in the fight to protect women, girls, and sanity on federal property.
Congresswoman Nancy Mace Announces Protecting Women’s Private Spaces Act. (2024, November 20). Representative Nancy Mace.
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