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New Yorkers MUST Vote No On Prop 1 to Protect Parental Rights and Save Girls' Sports – Here's Why

Michael Costa

Male athletes have stolen over 1,055 trophies, medals, and titles from female athletes!

New York's Prop 1 is not about “equality”—it is a radical, dangerous proposal that would fundamentally dismantle the fabric of our state. It seeks to establish a so-called "constitutional right" for biological males to invade girls' sports on the basis of “gender identity." Prop 1 robs girls of scholarships, jeopardizes their safety, and hands their well-deserved awards and trophies to boys who did not earn them. It is not hateful to say that girls deserve their own sports. Allowing biological males to compete is a slap in the face to every girl who has trained her whole life for a shot at success.

Girls are getting HURT at school by being forced to compete against male students. School sports should not be a safety hazard. How many more girls need to be brutalized before enough people stand up and say that MALES do not belong in girls' sports?

There has never been a more aggressive assault on girls' sports and sex-based rights in New York. This is an attack on children and their families, and we must go all out to defend their rights. Our New York Chapter took to TIMES SQUARE for the VOTE NO ON PROP ONE rally. Amaya and the team gave speeches to educate and inspire New Yorkers to take action to protect parental rights, child safety, and SAVE GIRLS' SPORTS!

Here is Amaya’s speech:

From parents finding out their child is socially transitioning in school behind their back, like the New York mother Jennifer Vitskaksi, to losing medical authority over their child for not supporting their transition, like with Denis Hannon, to every parent's worst nightmare of losing custody of their child and ultimately forever, like the tragic story of Abigail Martinez in California. In a Prop 1 world, it would be nearly impossible for a parent to fight for their child, only making these horror stories even more common. The parent-child relationship is the most sacred. As a society, we should be creating laws that help foster this sacred relationship instead of making laws that help destroy it.

My sister's experience is not a unique one. Children since the dawn of time have gone through some form of identity-based issue during puberty, with a study showing that over 80% grow out of that phase. There once was an unspoken societal rule to let kids be kids and go through this process without much adult interruption. But now, in this gender-ideologically driven society, we are hyper-focusing on a fleeting stage of human development. We are taking it as far as creating laws like Prop 1, one that allows children to make permanent, life-altering decisions during the short stage of their life. Transitioning is a life-altering adult decision in which children do not have the brain capacity to grasp the consequences of that decision fully. With the growing number of mental and physical consequences of children transitioning, we need laws that protect children from potentially self-destructive choices and not allow them to make them under the guise of their new civil rights.

From legally establishing the gender guidelines that allow school officials to hide a child's identity from their parents, to allowing that child to transition without the parents' consent, to punishing parents who do not fall in line, tactics that were once associated with child predators are now being used by our lawmakers under the guise of preventing discrimination and creating a more inclusive society. The road to hell is paved with good intentions. Regardless of the intent to stop discrimination, we must recognize the path we are on if the Equal Rights Amendment passes. We must protect parental rights. Protect the children of New York. Vote NO on Prop 1.

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