A drag queen who dresses as a nun with the Brew City Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence was taken into custody in Outagamie County, Wisconsin for his alleged connection with child pornography and the sexual exploitation of a child, Libs of Tiktok first reported. The drag queen is a member of the Brew City chapter of the Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence, an organization of “queer and trans nuns” that use “humor and irreverent wit to expose the forces of bigotry, complacency and guilt that chain the human spirit.”

Adam Westbrook was taken into custody after a search warrant was executed on his home as part of a larger investigation, and officials are recommending that he be charged with four counts of possession of child pornography and four counts of sexual exploitation of a child. Westbrook served as Neenah’s city attorney and deputy city attorney from 2018 to 2022. Following this, he worked for the City of Sheboygan and CESA-6 between 2022 and 2023, before beginning work for Outagamie County in January 2023. Westbrook resigned in September over claims that he experienced “hateful” targeting from the district, adding that the community was “deliberately untruthful and unwelcoming” and that they relied on “conspiracy theories” against anyone “who doesn’t look, think, or act like them.” The resignation came a week after complaints of inappropriate conduct towards an intern surfaced, although City Attorney Charles Adams said that his investigation found no violation of City policy.

Adam Westbrook volunteered in the Neenah and Menasha School Districts and is alleged to have coordinated school musicals and concerts in these districts. At the time of the criminal complaint against Westbrook, the Kenosha County Sheriff’s Office was investigating Preston Kite, a Racine County Sheriff’s Deputy. Kite was recently arrested and charged with possessing child pornography which was discovered after he allegedly masturbated in a public bathroom. The video reportedly shows a fully nude child being recorded while in bed. Investigators discovered that the videos were sent to Kite on Snapchat and came from Adam Westbrook. The complaint states that Detective Moro located messages between Kite and Snapchat user Adam James, whose account was later discovered to belong to Adam Westbrook. In early February, Kite messaged Adam James a YouTube link, which, when opened, leads to a video titled "When Cops Realize Their Colleague Is a P*do.” The deputy now faces charges of child pornography, five counts of child sexual exploitation, lewd and lascivious behavior, and disorderly conduct. The victim is reportedly the adopted son of Adam and Michael Westbrook, a schoolteacher in the Menasha Joint School District, although Michael was not arrested.
The Wisconsin chapter of Gays Against Groomers has been following this case and exposed that the Mayor of Sheboygan, Ryan Sorenson, is under scrutiny for trying to cover up a sexual harassment claim made by an underage intern. The alleged perpetrator of the comments was Adam Westbrook. Not surprisingly, both of these men have publicly supported a non-binary bookstore in the area for hosting raunchy burlesque events for children in the basement. Getting punished for this sadistic behavior has NOTHING to do with discrimination and everything to do with being a boundary-violating narcissist. Charges against Westbrook have moved to federal court, and his case will be on our RADAR until justice is served. We want these creeps out of our community and away from kids.
Fox 11 News. (2024, February 16). Outagamie County human resources director arrested, is jailed in Sauk County. https://fox11online.com/news/crime/adam-westbrook-outagamie-county-human-resources-director-arrested-sauk-county-baraboo-kenosha-county-case-child-pornography-sexual-exploitation
Gays Against Groomers Wisconsin. (2024, February 20). https://twitter.com/GAG_Wisconsin/status/1759939327977545949
Gays Against Groomers Wisconsin (2024, February 21). https://twitter.com/GAG_Wisconsin/status/1760681523983069231
Kenosha County Eye. (2024, February 8). Racine County Sheriff’s Deputy attempted gay bathroom hookup leads to discovery of child pornography-facing 204 years in prison.
KWOK. (2024, February 21). Former Outagamie County employee facing federal child pornography charges. https://www.wkow.com/news/former-outagamie-county-employee-facing-federal-child-pornography-charges/article_63f9e7ea-d0e1-11ee-b3ea-53a67db50c33.html
Libs of Tiktok. (2024, February 17). https://twitter.com/libsoftiktok/status/1760425827689205823
Post Crescent. (2024, February 16). Outagamie County HR director arrested on suspicion of possessing child pornography. https://www.postcrescent.com/story/news/local/2024/02/16/outagamie-county-human-resources-director-arrested-in-sauk-county/72631299007/
Post Millennial. (2024, February 18). Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence’ Drag queen arrested over child porn allegations in Wisconsin. https://thepostmillennial.com/sisters-of-perpetual-indulgence-drag-queen-arrested-over-child-porn-allegations-in-wisconsin
SportsKeedia. (2024, February 19). Why was Adam Westbrook arrested? Outgamie County HR director’s photo in drag goes viral amid child pornography charges. https://www.sportskeeda.com/pop-culture/news-why-adam-westbrook-arrested-outgamie-county-hr-director-s-photo-drag-goes-viral-amid-child-pornography-charges
106.5 The Buzz. (2024, February 21). Charges against Westbrook moved to federal court. https://1065thebuzz.com/2024/02/21/charges-against-westbrook-moved-to-federal-court/
The Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence. (2024, February 22). https://www.thesisters.org/
Yahoo Sports. (2023, January 17). City of Sheboygan has filled its long-vacant Human Resources director position. Here’s who’s taking the role. https://sports.yahoo.com/city-sheboygan-filled-long-vacant-171155394.html