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The Trans to TRAFFICKED Pipeline: Grooming Kids For Sale

Judith Rose

Thanks to gender ideology, a globally coordinated effort to bring modern “queer issues” into mainstream consciousness, there has been a concerningly sharp rise in trans-identifying minors. A UCLA study in 2022 estimated that the number of teenagers and young adults identifying as transgender in the US had doubled in the previous five years alone. In the UK, there is a government inquiry underway to understand the alarming 4,000% increase in children who wish to be the opposite sex. This is the basis for the existence of Gays Against Groomers. We know that this is not normal

The sharp increase in trans-identification amongst boys and girls deserves careful consideration, analysis, and empathy. After all, the entire mainstream is now overflowing with “queer culture” through education, social media, television, and books alike. Children are easily influenced by the power of suggestion, overwhelmed and inundated with gender ideology coming from places of authority, peers, and online chat rooms; they may not fully grasp the implications of identity choices due to developmental stages and lack of a fully developed prefrontal cortex, the area of the brain where decisions are made. A trans identity is more than likely a phase. Studies show that 64-94% of children who express discomfort with their biological sex will grow out of their dysphoria when they go through puberty and live as happy, gay adults. 

This new woke LGBTQIA+ media conglomerate exploded after gay people achieved equal rights, as if achieving equality for everyone under the law was not enough. And a new sociopolitical endeavor came to the forefront: transgender youth. With this new minority came a wave of new rules and changes that redefined what it meant to be part of the LGB, now (in some areas) known as the LGBTQIA2S+. Our community has since warped into something unrecognizable, full of obnoxious, narcissistic, and demanding representatives who cry victim at every opportunity. As a result, much of the world has been taken emotionally hostage, slowly being gaslit to accept this new form of activism…or else. We have even seen robust attempts by the trans lobby to change the definitions of words like “woman” and “homosexual,” attempts that have succeeded in various activist institutions. 

The rise of social media has coincided with the fall of mental health among young people, changing the way they see themselves and relate to others. While social media has its benefits, it is a double-edged sword, often resulting in worse mental health, less confidence, more insecurity, and less empathy for others. It has also become a hotbed for LGBTQ-charged content, something many young people gravitate towards when they want to feel understood. Many of these kids suffer from poor mental health. However, they rarely seek proper therapy or consider that their underlying issues could be the source of their identity distress. Ironically, those who do seek advice to better understand themselves often get sucked into the trans pipeline, where they are further distressed by questioning their identity. The cycle is vicious. 

Many of these people are minors. The more youth that gravitate towards gender ideology, the more the mainstream attempts to grapple with how to treat these children. LGBTQ+ issues are now so prevalent that they have become a hot topic of political concern. Parental rights are now being questioned, and multiple states have become “sanctuary states for transgender youth.” Such poor handling of these issues has exposed a major problem: the system in place may inadvertently place many of these children at higher risk of running away, entering foster care, and ultimately becoming victims of trafficking

Like a cult, gender ideology relies on psychological manipulation and pressure strategies. Young people are isolated from their loved ones who may question their newfound identity for the sake of their well-being, encouraged to “cut them out” with no sympathy. There is little to no room for asking questions in the gender cult; if you proclaim your identity, it is “harmful” for others to question it, instilling a state of perpetual victimhood in the believer. Gender cult followers are instilled with a fear that the outside world is out to get them, and any underlying trauma which could be influencing their newfound identity is completely irrelevant. Detransitioners, desisters, and dissenters are wholly rejected from the gender cult, labeled as traitors, and told their trans identity was never valid in the first place. 

But the most dangerous aspect of this cult is there is no leader, only recruitment through word of mouth or exposure.

Social media is where many young people are meeting individuals who are elbow-deep in gender ideology, completely immersed in and constantly discussing their “unique” identity or sexuality as if it is their singular human trait. Gays Against Groomers has been labeled a traitorous hate group for asking the gender cult too many difficult questions. Thanks to social media algorithms, the more LGBTQ+ content one watches, the more the user is shown. A new cohort of gender-confused youth have thus emerged at an alarming rate.

One of the most alarming aspects of this process is the prospect of a young person being lured away from their family mentally as well as physically. All it takes is a young person connecting with one or more individuals online who encourage their new identity and isolation from their family, particularly if that family is asking questions. But depending on their state of residence, a child can also be legally taken from their family if their parents do not accept and affirm their child’s decision to identify as anything other than their natal birth sex. 

This is exactly what happened in the case of a teenage girl named Sage. Featured in a documentary titled Cut: Daughters of the West by Canadian filmmaker Simon Esler, Sage’s story is a harrowing and concerning tale of warning for families and trans-identifying youth alike. Esler’s film explains that since the advent of social media, the number of girls identifying as boys has increased dramatically, surpassing boys identifying as girls—a demographic that previously constituted the majority of those experiencing gender dysphoria. In a nutshell, comparison has been the enemy of confidence from many young girls growing up today. Unable to meet the impossible glamorized, hypersexualized, and heavily edited version of femininity splashed all over social media, many young girls are now assuming they must be boys if they cannot fit the stereotypical fantasy role presented to them online. 

This was the case for Sage, who was so distraught that her grandparents (and current legal guardians) would not accept the idea that she wanted to be a boy that it led to a legal custody battle, during which Sage was trafficked multiple times while the courts kept her away from her loving home. Upon her return, she reported that her traffickers said they were making more money from trafficking 'trans kids' than from other victims. Sage, who has years of therapy ahead of her that will never take away her horrific memories of being trafficked, no longer identifies as transgender. 

Many children are being relocated from non-abusive homes simply because their parents or legal guardians will not affirm their transgender identity. Others are encouraged to run away, lured by someone on the internet they’ve never met in person. As a result, some of these children are ultimately trafficked and used as sex slaves.

In August, a family in Washington DC lost custody of their autistic 16-year-old son after he went to the hospital for a suicide attempt, where he was asked a series of suggestive questions surrounding his gender identity. The boy was placed in foster care with a single mother who had a criminal record, and upon her unexpected sudden death, was relocated to the care of a radical trans activist and Chaplain of a progressive church. In the lawsuit filed by the family, they expressed extreme alarm over their son's social media posts, which were suddenly hypersexual and insistent that he was now a girl. These types of posts are a red flag and could indicate possible or eventual trafficking. 

Professional Kidnapper T-shirts

It is common knowledge that Child Protective Services (CPS) and the foster care system are full of corruption, financial incentives and unfortunate loopholes that often place children in far worse situations with little to no honest consideration of their wellbeing. In 2007, Georgia Senator Nancy Schaefer submitted a report sounding the alarm on the Department of Child Protective Services. In her report, she discussed a case in which a mother was threatened for her signature to release her children into foster care, where they were ultimately taken from their foster parents and placed with a previously uninterested father in the “adult entertainment” business who had an “escort” girlfriend. The father trafficked the girls to their previous foster parents. 

Schaefer feared the foster care system was “broken beyond repair.” A few short years after she exposed CPS, citing a bill called The Adoption and the Safe Families Act (amended in 1997 by Bill Clinton and still stands today) that offered thousands in cash bonuses to states for every child adopted out of foster care, Nancy Schaefer was found dead in what appeared to be a murder-suicide committed by her husband. Understandably, many are skeptical of the Schaefer’s deaths to this day. We strongly encourage people to read the report.

[Pictured: Georgia Senator Nancy Schaefer]

The internet has made life far too easy for predators, who can browse for a victim online, whether through social media posts or even using search engines, which bring up a myriad of young trans escorts. Which of them are lying about their age? Are they willing participants, or are they listed online by their traffickers? The untrained eye can't tell.

Gays Against Groomers spoke with a private investigator, who confirmed that this is a growing problem: “TRANS KIDS” ARE A HOT COMMODITY IN THE CHILD TRAFFICKING NETWORK. Read that again.

Many ostracized youth who either choose to run away from home or mentally disconnect from it turn to sex work to make money, particularly if they’re new to an area or aren’t quite old enough for legal work. Historically, transsexuals are notorious for relying on sex work to make a living, and they are at high risk of becoming victims of murder and trafficking. Sex work, also known as prostitution before political correctness softened the term, has become heavily romanticized and encouraged both on and offline.

Some online colleges now offer classes on how to run an OnlyFans account, where users can legally sell explicit self-made content under the guise of “financial freedom and empowerment.” Porn sites have a plethora of niche fetish content relating to transgenders, a fetish that has risen in popularity and visibility in recent years. For trans-identifying youth, it is tempting and even easy money. 

Consider the push for bills to “decriminalize sex work” on behalf of “transgender rights.” Such legislation would further advance public access to pornography and prostitution. And by now, we know that “gender identity” policies always end up extending to children, who are being encouraged to make adult decisions related to sex and identity through this ideology. The link between gender ideology, prostitution, pornography, and child sexualization should be obvious, assuming one is paying attention. 

Herein lies the trap. Young people who are taken from their families or choose to leave before they reach legal age often see “sex work” as a normal and appealing method of achieving independence. These are the youth who are at risk for trafficking, something that does not always require a location change. Many children are trafficked from a single location, sometimes out of their own homes by cruel and desperate parents. And yet we are hearing more and more about children taken from perfectly safe homes who simply want them to wait to decide on their identity until adulthood. Whether they choose it or not, today trans-identifying young people are at a higher risk of being sexually trafficked in a situation they cannot escape. 

The dots are easy to connect. A young person is drawn into changing their identity through gender ideology, a cult-like school of thought that rejects questioning, and lured away from their family either through the state or a stranger online that coaxes (or grooms) them into leaving their family to live a transgender life. State systems and traffickers alike would prefer to benefit from this process, which is why many public educators (in state-funded schools) are introducing children to new and confusing sexual concepts to give children the initial nudge into adopting a trans identity and splitting from their families (either legally or illegally). Parents in some states are threatened with loss of custody of their children if they do not comply. The rest is done through peer and online pressure. 

To perfect this system, the lower tiers have no idea that they are grooming children for potential trafficking. Educators and allies alike believe they have adopted the new gender-inclusive LGBTQ+ ideology for the sake of empathy, inclusion, and affirmation to “save the trans kids.” But the more youth that identify as trans and post themselves online, the larger the catalog for traffickers becomes. The more children that cry to be legally separated from their “abusive” non-accepting families, the more money a state can claim by funneling them into the foster care system. And is it a coincidence that these vulnerable children are being encouraged to delay puberty using 'puberty blockers'—the same drugs employed in the chemical castration of sex offenders—ultimately prolonging their prepubescent appearance? Combine this with the fact that the average parent has no control over what their child is viewing on the internet. It creates a predator's paradise. 

If we do not work to reel in and repair the damage done by gender ideology, we risk thousands of children experiencing what no child or human being should ever experience: SEX TRAFFICKING. 

Transgender Trafficking vs. Sex Trafficking [Courage Is A Habit]

Why is our government allowing financial incentives to separate children from their families? Why are teachers encouraged to drive a wedge between a child and their family over “gender identity?” Why do schools now conduct surveys that ask children if they consider themselves “transgender?” Why is human trafficking still on the rise? Who are these criminals, and who are they trafficking children to? We hope our readers are asking themselves these questions.

This is one of the biggest reasons those of us in Gays Against Groomers do what we do. Our members are regularly contacted by frightened parents who have no idea how to handle their gender-confused child, and they are terrified of the worst-case scenario: separation. These are not abusive parents, they are parents who love and otherwise do everything they can for their children to give them a safe and secure home. They want to know how to talk to their children about what they are going through without scaring them away. But with the possibility of losing custody looming over their heads…what choice do they have? 

Gender ideology is teaching these children to have no sympathy for anyone who questions them, and to treat everyone who does not “affirm” them as an enemy. Once the state gets custody of a child, or a child chooses to run away to be with a stranger, there is no telling where they will end up, and very little time to save them from a terrible fate.

When we talk about a “hidden agenda,” this is what we mean. Healthy children do not need to damage and confuse their bodies with excessive hormones, blockers, or surgeries before they are mature enough to make decisions on their own. Parents have every right to be aware of and question what their child is going through. And they can help their child make the right decisions for their long-term well-being. No child should be told that their body is wrong and they need to escape their family and change themselves forever to be happy.

Without regulation, human traffickers are being supplied with more and more victims every day, and thanks to gender ideology, they have a new and lucrative demographic of vulnerable victims.

This is a war on children, and we’re going to end it one way or another. 


ABC News. (2010, March 27). GBI Probing Deaths of Former Lawmaker, Her Husband. 

Brooks, J. (2018, May 23). The Controversial Research on “Desistance” in Transgender Youth. KQED. 

Chatelain, R. (2022, June 10). Study estimates trans youth population has doubled in 5 years. Spectrum News. 

Courage Is A Habit. Transgender Trafficking. 

Courage Is A Habit. (2024). X (Formerly Twitter). 

Court, A. (2023, February 22). 4 out of 5 kids who question gender “grow out of it”: Transgender expert. New York Post. 

Katella, K. (2024, June 17). How Social Media Affects  Your Teen’s Mental Health: A Parent’s Guide. Yale Medicine. 

Morin, A. (2023, November 13). What Is a Cult? 10 Warning Signs. Verywell Mind. 

Pendharkar, E. (2022, June 14). Number of Trans Youth Is Twice as High as Previous Estimates, Study Finds. Education Week. 

Rayner, G. (2018, September 16). Minister orders inquiry into 4,000 per cent rise in children wanting gender treatment. The Telegraph. 

Respaut, R. & Terhune, C. (2022, October 6). Putting numbers on the rise in children seeking gender care. Reuters. 

Pitzl, M. (2020, July 22). DCS workers apparently fired over “professional kidnapper” T-shirts. The Arizona Republic. 



Schow, A. (2024, July 30). A Maryland Couple Lost Custody Of Their Autistic Son After Refusing To Transition His Gender. Now They’re Suing. Daily Wire. 

Singh, D., Bradley, S. J., & Zucker, K. J. (2021). A Follow-Up Study of Boys With Gender Identity Disorder. Frontiers in Psychiatry, 12. 

U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. (2024). Youth mental health and social media. U.S. Surgeon General. 

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